Monthly Workshop Report #3, August 2021

During August I went a little project-crazy. While continuing the Dreamliner, I also have built models from 'Jungle Cruise', The Hobbit, and World War I, as well as a miniature camera. After finally learning how to actually use my camera, I am proud to present some pretty high quality pictures.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Start date: July 16, 2021
Completion date: N/A
Hours of work: about 48-54
Scale: 1/90
Dimensions: Length 79 studs / wingspan 84 studs / height 24 studs

This month I took a few weeks off on the 787 to work on other projects, however I still made some pretty decent progress. I have made some big changes (and progress) to the nose, built the first engine prototype, and started the tail section.

The La Quila from Disney's 'Jungle Cruise'

Start date: August 12, 2021
Completion date: N/A
Hours of work: about 20
Scale: slightly below what I think is minifig scale
Dimensions: length 33 studs / width 10 studs

I am a huge fan of Disney's new movie 'Jungle Cruise', so much so that I have undertaken the goal of make an official Lego set out of it. As soon as my MOC is completed, I will be posting it on LEGO Ideas. Of course, I could not resist the opportunity to include the Backside of Water!

Frank Wolff (Dwayne Johnson)

Dr. Lily Houghton (Emily Blunt)

McGregor Houghton (Jack Whitehall)

Erebor from The Hobbit

Start date: August 23, 2021
Completion date: N/A
Hours of work: about 16
Scale: microscale
Dimensions: width 19 / depth 17 / height 17

After rewatching Peter Jackson's Hobbit movies, I decided to test my landscaping skills with (in my opinion) the most iconic location, the Dwarf mountain home of Erebor.

Other MOCs

The Red Baron
Modification of J.K.Brickworks' Fokker Dr.1 triplane.

Miniature Film Camera
