Monthly Workshop Report #2, July 2021
July was spent finishing my Boeing 737-800 MOC (now up for voting on LEGO Ideas), not finishing the sorting that was supposed to be done a month ago, and starting my next big project. Sadly I was not able to make any progress on TheBus and, due to a potential overall cost of 200-300 (US) dollars, I am unsure of whether it will be finished.
Japan Airlines Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
Start date: July 16, 2021
Completion date: N/A
Hours of work: so far about 24
Scale: 1/90
Dimensions: Length 79 studs / wingspan 84 studs / height 24 studs
Here you can see my desk setup with the full size blueprints, and of course the all important bin for parts that don't quite make it into the final version. (Please pardon the weird colored parts on the outside of the wing, they mark pieces I don't have on hand.)
The first wing is added...
as well as the fully functioning landing gear.
It starts to look like an airplane with (most) of both wings attached.
Both sets of main landing gear are attached and fit perfectly inside the fuselage.
United Airlines Boeing 737-800
Start date: Unknown
Completion date: 7/27/21
Hours of work: ~36 hours over 2-2 1/2 weeks
Scale: 1/80
Part count: estimated 1400
Dimensions: Wingspan of 48 studs, length of 55 studs, and a height of 17 studs
Vote for this model on LEGO Ideas: United Airlines 737-800
View a showcase: Boeing 737-800 Showcase
No progress this month and I can't find the image I used in the last Workshop Update.
As stated above, there was no progress on TheBus this month, however it may be scrapped by the end of the year if Power Functions prices keep rising on Bricklink.
Overall July was a decently productive month, even though I still have roughly 3,000 pieces to sort (😢). Again, please consider supporting my United Airlines 737-800 over on LEGO Ideas and keep an eye out for the next article.
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